Saturday, July 23, 2005

The first and the Only

Here is Tárik Kaiel, the first and only. If I don't know from where I came, and where I go, I know that my name is from the Umayyad conqueror of Spain, in his homage exist today the Strait of Gilbraltar (the name Gibraltar is derived from the Arabic name Jabal Tariq, which means mountain of Tariq). Pretty impressive.
I would like to say what it's important in life.

Happiness, but not by any cost, we don't live alone in this world.
There is where is located other important thing very related with the first, Love. By that, I mean love yourself, love your woman(or man), love your friends, love god(s) if you believe, love life and everything thatt is inside the package.
Love is a complicated matter, some say it's impossible to be happy without, that it's a bit exaggerated, but if you have a true love your done, then you know what you want to be happy. But by true love I don'n mean that crap the soap operas and Hollywood Movies make you swallow, that is just a idealization of a eternall Passion, not love. True love is when the passion become partnership, kindness, understanding, is when all that little glitch your companion has become untolerable... to live without.FE...
Friends, people, this what makes your life goes on, Helio, André, Nelson, Bruno, Grgeory, Suellyn, Wilson, Theo, Eric. Your family included!!!
أيّها الناس، أين المفر؟ البحر من ورائكم، والعدوّ أمامكم، وليس لكم والله إلا الصدق والصب...
There is nowhere to flee! The sea is behind you, and the enemy before you: so by God, you have only sincerity and patience, and no minister but your swords
Tariq ibn Ziyad

Kill a man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a beloving god.
–Jean Rostand (a self interpretation)

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